Upcoming Shows

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"I just wanted to make sure our first song can be called "white cock sucking angels"? Cool?" Brian Schmitz

Day 1. We're almost done with the tequila and the crusties are mad that we asked them to tip. Here is the rule about getting hooked up. 1. NEVER show up EXPECTING to get hooked up.
2. Free still means you should tip.
3. Fuck you, you're getting this for free.

Vaz. Men. Doing man shit. By Man Shit we mean rocking. Hard. With no complaints.

Shit and Shine. Doing man shit. By Man Shit we mean rocking. Hard. With no complaints.

From Left to Right. Maddux (from Del Rio), Roger Quintana and Miguel Quintana. These 2 browns (and one honorary brown) set up shop and cooked a bunch of food for DONATIONS ONLY. The reason, because they wanted to make sure that people visiting our city were fed. MEN.
ps. These guys cook bbq by trade, but they made vegetarian tacos and ACTIVELY SOUGHT to give them out to non meat eaters. Heart and Soul. Get into it.

Real ass motherfuckers. From left to right. John H (supporter), Brian S (instigator). the dude from What Made Milwaukee Famous (the dude from What Made Milwaukee Famous), Ish (who fucking rules) and Katherine S (the realest woman in town. Deal with it)

Mike is sad too that the tequila is gone for the day (he doesn't drink) See you tomorrow.

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